Friday, 5 August 2016

Gracias Gracias

27 hours, three flights and one tropical storm later, I've made it to Honduras! 

I left Edinburgh at 7am and met up with the rest of the Honduras group at Heathrow before flying to Miami. It was all going rather well until we landed in the States where baggage problems made one girl almost miss the flight! Luckily for her but unluckily for pretty much everyone else the flight was delayed for two hours. 

Most of the Honduras crew

Eventually we made it to San Pedro Sula where we were met by our country rep Vegas and torrential rain! At this point the 17 of us had to split up, with some heading straight to their projects and the rest heading to two different hotels in San Pedro. 

Our ride to Gracias
After a long overdue sleep the seven volunteers at my hotel were picked up by Jake and Rachel, the hosts for one of the other projects, in an old school bus to take us to Gracias for some more teacher training. We've now been here for a few days now, got some really helpful books for teaching with and even made a trip to Gracias' famous hot springs (that I'd never heard of before!). 

So far I'm absolutely loving it! The food is delicious, with lots of gorgeous fresh fruit, I've already found a bright orange, banana flavoured fizzy drink that tastes almost exactly like Irn-Bru (which I don't even like but hey, it tastes like home) and the weather is finally starting to clear as Hurricane Earl moves away from the Carribean. I'm really looking forward to finally getting to my project tomorrow and being able to unpack my bag at last!

The view from the hotel in Gracias

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