This blog post is just to let you all know that I will be going quiet on the Project Trust front for the next month. Tomorrow I head off to Costa Rica on a volunteering expedition with a company called GVI so all thought on Honduras will probably be put on hold!
A couple of things have been going on since the last time I posted. The silent auction of the handmade quilt didn't work, with no bids, but don't worry! We are keeping it for later and plan to try it with a raffle instead. I have also booked my local hall for a Halloween party on Friday 30th October, which I'll be selling tickets in school for. It is booked for the Saturday 6th February as well, to hold a family ceilidh to celebrate my sister and I's 18th birthday - more news on both of those a little closer to the time!
Once I get back from Costa Rica, I will be working hard to create a leaflet all about my year volunteering and my fundraising plans to be handed out at events and distributed to charitable trusts, who I will also be writing to as soon as possible once I return. I hope to hold a coffee morning at the start of September but that will be planned once I get back. Feel free to come along and hear about my travels - past and future!
This is it from me until the middle of August but I hope everyone has an amazing summer and I'll see you on the other side!